Ok, to the family!
So this week one of our investigators
(one of our best investigators!!!) left the country to go to Maldova.
:( His mother is sick and needs surgery, so he went there
to go take care of her for the better part of a month. Dang.
Oh, and Dad, you said that people get
less patient when it gets colder and darker. Ya, I coulda told
you that about 3 weeks ago haha. It has rained probly 5-6 out
of 7 days every week for the past 3 weeks. And it's been
getting colder and darker quick! We try to keep busy with lots
of things and lessons, but often we have nothing to do except for
contacting. In the rain, it's awful. There are not very
many people out for one, and for two, no one wants to talk, for
three, they are very very rude/mean. But that's ok :) We
sometimes meet some nicer people out in the rain. They usually
offer us alcohol (usually vodka, or some really strong drink.) which
is a sign they don't have a problem with us.
Cops don't like us. Sometimes we
get stopped, but we have our papers, so they leave us alone after a
while. Not uncommon for arrests to occur. (It's ok Mom! They
let the missionaries go, we have a GREAT lawyer! She's kinda a
I haven't told you, but there are some
restrictions on things I can say. And pictures I can send. The
government monitors emails going out of Russia. And the
President has asked us not to say certain things as well. Nothing
too big of a deal, it's ok! I'll tell you anything important!
They're not going to keep anything from you that is important
to do with me! :)
Last week we saw a ballet! In the
Kremlin!!! We don't often go to Red Square, but we had a
"culture night" and my district went and saw this ballet in
the Kremlin! It was sick. The theater was BIG, but it was
only about a quarter full, if that. I think most people there
were tourists, and there are less and less tourists now that it's
getting cold. The ballet was...Interesting. It was cool,
but I don't think I need to see another one unless it was something
like the Nutcracker. VERY hard to understand!!! Not the
language, they don't speak at all. They just dance.
So, if you ever go to a ballet, make
sure you know what the story is before you go! Or buy a program
(if you can read it haha) OR, just make up the story as you go, like
my companion did haha XD
It's a new transfer, so my comp. is now
DL. We are WAYYY busier now, with meetings and taking care of
missionaries who need help. With transfers we had to help move a
bazillion suitcases taking trains out of the city, who's trains were
leaving at midnight! Wow. Trains are the main source of
transportation in Russia. And our mission is huge, with the
furthest city (that is open right now, looking at a map it doesn't
look very far) about 9 hours by train.
One more cool thing! There is a
film thing going on here. With the church getting bigger here,
the church wants to make a mormon message or movie or something for
the Europe East areas. They're in Moscow right now, and they
need some footage of members and churches and missionaries. Me
and my comp got chosen by the President to help out in it!!! We
got filmed teaching one of our investigators on a bridge, and
talking/planning with the senior couple in our area. We will
probly get like 5 seconds in the video, but we still got filmed. It
was awesome! Our investigator, he was nervous about doing it at
first, but we told him "but you have such a good face, you'll be
great for this!" and he was like "I know that I have a good
face, but I don't know if I want to be famous yet..." He's
pretty hilarious. And ya, he was serious :)
Ok, thats it for now. I love you
guys!!! I love reading about your adventures without me!
Старейшина Басс
tanks |